Monday, October 20, 2014


Friday - Sunday

Prep and event @ CFF… Great weekend and great event

 (deload week, I am not going to post all work as it was at a reduced intensity, but I will post the pertinent squat work)

New program week 1 day 1:

Up to 305 3x2


Up to  315 5RM (hold @ 365)
295 x5
275 x5


FS 275 2 x 1

3RM with 3 second pause

230 x3 (3 sec pause ea)
215 x3 (3 sec pause ea)


Back Squats

280 (3 second pause ) 3 x1

Back Squats (5 Seconds pause)
295 x1

3x3 (all 5 sec pause) @ 250

Bottoms up squats from ATG (kept a VERY upright torso and high bar, had almost no leverage but this is where i need work)
3 RM 225 (didn't allow for any deviation)
3x3 @ 205

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Rough week last week... Coming off two tough weekend events and an 8 week squat cycle I just had nothing, muddled through as much as I could but it isn't even worth posting. Taking this week a little lighter as well then hopefully back at top speed again next week after the freesome. 


A. Snatches... Up to 225 for singles 

B. KB Fran... Horrible here, KBs felt like the world and destroyed me. 4:20


Back squats 5x5 @225
Front squats 4x3 @225

Otm x 10
Even - 10 cal bike (<:20) 
Odd - :30 hs hold attempts 


A. Power clean- up to 2.2.2 cluster at 275

10 ohs @115
10 bj @24" (step down)
10 t2b

10 clean @95
10m hs walk
3 rds... Traps and shoulders died on Hs walk

1700m row... 6:03 (wanted sub 6)
+ 10 min recovery row @ 2:00-2:05 pace

Monday, September 29, 2014



7x500m row 2:30 rest, 
All kept between 1:34-1:37


OTM x 15
- muscle ups x 7 (held 7 UB all the way)
- 10 cal bike (>800 watts)
- had to sub out bounding due to a minor foot issue and did 250 m row to get some rowing in with Nicole 


A. Barbell complex-

Clean+jerk+hang power clean+ jerk+front squat+jerk....

Up to 265, missed the last jerk... Absolutely killer complex, smoked after that.

Burpee squat clean thruster @155 
24 reps.... Felt horrible on this, the complex absolutely killed me, want to te do this and get over 26 


New England fitness challenge... 12 hours of fitness fun... Oodles of running and other challenges. Ouch

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

9.21- 9. 24


Ran the spartan "beast race" today… I won't go into detail here but this was by far the hardest physical feat i have ever performed. My body has never before been pushed to that level, definitely some fuel in the mental bank.

Monday + Tuesday

Had every intention of training and sticking 100% to the programming but that simply wasn't in the cards, couldn't sleep due to severe cramps, and the joint stiffness is almost indescribable. WOW


Trying to get back on the wagon today…


A. Front Squat (kept light, new cycle next week… this is perfect week to bridge the cycle gap)
up to 225 + chains x 3 w/ 3 second pause ea.

B. Met-Con
50 Pistols (ouch)
30 hang Power Cleans
10 MU (6-4)
30 Cal Bike (1:50)
50 T2B (10-5-5-5-5-3-3-3-3-2-2-1-1-1-1)

11:50 certainly not my brightest effort but good to get moving and get a met con in…

Brooks and I have some burpees to do later for charity, should be a good time.

I'll also be hitting the clean+ FS + Jerk, up to about an 80% weight

Great to start to feel like a human again.

Thursday, September 18, 2014



A. Metcon w/ Nicole... Damn good to have her to help push

AMRAP 10 -
10 burpees
15 c2b (starting to use hips more, legs are bent in butterfly but it's helping me get more hip power 8-7 on each was difficult but doable)
40 DU


10 hsc @95
30' oh lunge
200m sprint


10 min :30/:30 on bike
124 cals (tried to stay above 550 watts each go)


A. Front squat
7x5 @ 267.5
A shade below the prescribed percentage but these felt solid compared to some prior sessions, definitely feeling more consistent in my front squat pattern. 

Excuses are like assholes but that's all I could squeeze in today... Bike work will be done tomorrow as it shouldn't impair recovery day too much. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014



A. Front Squat 

8 x 4 @ 275 … All pretty good reps here, again body is definitely in the "down" stage of an overreaching phase, but form is starting to dial in

B. 3 Rds (:30 EA)
Wall-Ball @ 30#
Cals on AB

1= 16,16,14
2= 15, 16, 12
3= 15, 15, 9


Hosted our internal comp… Sadly wasn't able to work today in


Got a quick session to make up for saturday

A. Front Squat 

10 x 3 @ 285 I had taken the weights down this week to get all the sets but damn did they still feel heavy

B. :30/:30 On The Bike watts above 500

C. Gymnastics Work… Spent a lot of time on handstand walks, felt awesome despite being at the end of the workout


PM 1

A. Front Squat 6 x6 @ 255
…Again these felt solid but still a struggle, knees and hips getting a little cranky but not too bad.

PM 2

For Time:
10 Squat Cleans @ 225 (singles every 10ish seconds)
15 MU (5-5-5)
20 KB Squat cleans 70#s ea (5-5-4-3-3…what a bitch….)
15 MU (6-5-4)
10 Squats cleans (singles whenever i could breathe) 

14:15… WOW that was a brutal change of pace workout, all good stuff though



A. Power Clean + TnG power Clean + Hang Power Clean … Up to 245, was not feeling explosive today, past week or so been a real mental challenge getting going, gotta be the "dark phase" of the squat work

B. 5 RM strict Press… up to 175, haven't done this in a WHILE, didn't feel awesome, but not a horrible number + 2x5 @ 155

C. OTM x14
Even: alternated between 4 paralette HSPUs and 4-6 strict 4" deficit HSPUs
Odd: 100m Sandbag run

Thursday, September 11, 2014



A. Power Clean + Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk x2

Worked up to 225 for solid sets with good footwork (certainly light but kept the "deload" theme)

B. 4 Rounds (with 4:00 Rest)

400m Row
30 DU
20 Pullups
10 Box Jumps @ 30"

2:28, 2:32, 2:35, 2:48 (broke on pull-ups… ugghh)
Felt solid here, pull-ups felt a bit off from all the MU yesterday but overall a good "breathing" workout



A. Squat Clean + hang squat clean

Worked up to 295… Trying to play around with having weight in the balls of my feet in the start and I'm not quite use to it on my pull resulting in a little too much quad "hit" so positioning in the catch wasn't perfect but still a nice heavy clean for a deload week

B.  3 Rounds @ 80% (really trying to work on being smooth and steady during these and not dying out

10 Strict HSPU
400m Run
10 Thrusters @ 115
15 T2B

Held sub 4 minutes first two and just couldn't quite for the last, ended at 12:26 with the last set of HSPU (6-3-1) and T2B (13-2…. Pansy ass poop butt…) being the only set breaks


A. Front Squat

5x5 @ 262.5 (shut it down 2 sets shy because i felt stability wavering ….felt smoked after this morning, should have definitely done these first, will come back friday ready to squat like a quad dominant rhino)